Best Renovations to Increase Home Value: 15 Interior Changes to Consider

In the ever-evolving world of real estate, The 2023 Cost V.S. Value Report presents a nuanced picture of smart home remodelling investments. Amid this landscape, it’s hard to deny that homes with the best renovations to increase home value not only captivate the market, but also promise swifter transactions. 

This reality underscores the significance of selecting home improvements that resonate most with potential buyers, ranging from a sleek bathroom remodel to energy-efficient upgrades.

Elevating a property's appeal extends beyond mere aesthetics; it's about integrating functionality with trends that echo modern living. Incorporating features like pools, a home office, or enhancing outdoor living spaces with hot tubs, elegant fences, and inviting fire pits can dramatically elevate a home's marketability. 

Strategic home improvement decisions, like updating the flooring or increasing energy efficiency, stand as pivotal elements in crafting spaces that both allure and offer utility, paving the way for an enticing home that beckons prospective buyers.

Minor Bathroom Remodel

Considering the significant return on investment (ROI) a minor bathroom remodel can achieve, it's no wonder this renovation ranks high among home improvements. With an average cost recovery of 70.1%, it's a strategic choice for homeowners looking to increase their property's value and appeal. 

The national average cost for such a project stands at $2,085, leading to a resale value of $1,464. Here's a breakdown of potential costs involved:

1. Fixtures and Features:

  • Bathtub: $400 - $800

  • Shower head: $20 - $200

  • Toilet: $120 - $350

  • Sink: $150 - $700

  • Flooring: $350 - $900

  • Walls (repainting): $200 - $400

  • Lighting fixtures: $75 - $200

  • Faucets: $100 - $300

  • Medicine cabinet: $100 - $300

  • Vanity: $300 - $2,500

Labour and plumbing often constitute the most expensive parts of a bathroom remodel, underscoring the importance of budgeting for these aspects. The overall cost can fluctuate based on location, materials, labour costs, and bathroom size. 

While minor remodels typically range from $3,000 to $10,000, more extensive updates can significantly increase these figures. Homeowners planning to renovate should also consider the broader context: bathroom and kitchen renovations are among the most common home improvement plans, each capturing the interest of 37% of homeowners.

Upgrading the Kitchen

Upgrading the kitchen is a pivotal move in enhancing a home’s value, striking a balance between aesthetic appeal and functionality. With an average ROI of 41.8% for major to mid-range remodels, and an impressive 86% for minor updates, the kitchen stands as a critical focal point for investments. 

Here are key areas to focus on:

2. Efficiency and Modernity:

  • Replace outdated appliances with energy-efficient models to boost both value and appeal.

  • Consider adding accessibility features like easy-to-grab handles and pull-out boards, catering to a wider range of potential buyers.

3. Cosmetic Enhancements:

  • Install a new backsplash and upgrade the sink for an immediate visual lift.

  • Update cabinets and countertops with modern materials like quartzite or porcelain for a fresh look.

4. Financial Planning for the Project:

  • Explore funding options such as a home equity line of credit (HELOC), home equity loan, or cash-out refinance.

  • Aim to keep the renovation budget within 10% of the home’s value to ensure a favourable ROI.

Remember, a kitchen remodel is not just about the immediate ROI; it also significantly enhances the home's emotional and aesthetic appeal, making it more attractive to potential buyers.

Improving Curb Appeal

Improving curb appeal is not only about enhancing a home's exterior aesthetics, but also about boosting its market value. Studies show that curb appeal can account for up to 7% of a home's value, making it a critical factor for homeowners seeking to attract potential buyers and increase the selling price. 

Here are key strategies for enhancing curb appeal:

5. Exterior and Landscaping Enhancements

  • Repaint the house to freshen up the exterior appearance.

  • Refresh landscaping to add vibrancy and appeal.

  • Clean the driveway to remove unsightly dirt and stains.

  • Fix the roof and gutters to improve appearance and functionality.

  • Add a new mailbox and house numbers for a positive first impression.

6. Entryway Improvements

  • Paint the front door a bold, memorable colour that complements the home's style.

  • Install a smart doorbell and WiFi door opener for modern convenience.

  • Add an inviting seating area on the front porch to welcome visitors.

7. Lighting and Decorative Touches

  • Illuminate walkways with solar or low-voltage lights.

  • Highlight architectural features with strategically placed spotlights.

  • Decorate for the seasons to add a personal touch and enhance curb appeal further.

Incorporating these improvements can significantly elevate a home's curb appeal, making it more attractive to potential buyers and potentially increasing its resale value.

Adding or Enhancing Outdoor Living Spaces

Adding or enhancing outdoor living spaces can significantly boost a home's appeal and market value. Here's how:

8. Deck and Patio Improvements

  • Wood Deck Addition: Building a new wooden deck costs an average of $16,000, but can add an $11,000 increase in resale value, recouping 66% of the costs. For those on a tighter budget, repairing an existing wooden deck costs around $1,500 with an impressive ROI of over 600%.

  • Patio Enhancements: A well-designed patio not only adds 8-10% to the home value but also boasts an ROI of over 80%. Repairing an existing patio is even more cost-effective, with costs around $1,400 and an ROI of nearly 500%.

9. Outdoor Kitchens and Fire Pits

  • Homes with outdoor kitchens see an ROI between 100% and 200%, transforming the backyard into a vibrant entertaining space. Meanwhile, building a fire pit can recoup 78% of the costs, providing a cosy gathering spot.

10. Lighting and Landscaping

  • Collaborating with a professional outdoor lighting designer can increase home value by up to 12% by strategically positioning fixtures to illuminate pathways and accentuate key architectural elements. Creating zones for various outdoor activities using landscaping, hardscaping, and outdoor furniture adds an element of sophistication and allows potential buyers to envision the versatility of the outdoor area.

Updating the Flooring

Updating the flooring in your home is a powerful way to enhance its value and appeal. Here's a breakdown of options and considerations:

11. Hardwood and Laminate Flooring

  • Hardwood: Known for its durability and classic look, hardwood flooring offers a significant return on investment, with a 147% cost recovery for refinishing and 118% for new installations. Costs for new hardwood installations vary by type, with options like stained red oak at $3.30 per square foot and white ash at $5.60 per square foot.

  • Laminate: A more budget-friendly option, laminate flooring mimics the aesthetic of hardwood and comes in various styles. It's durable and suitable for high-traffic areas, offering a blend of elegance and practicality.

12. Vinyl and Linoleum

  • Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT): This water-resistant flooring is ideal for areas prone to moisture and offers the look of hardwood or tile at a fraction of the cost, ranging from $0.75 to $4 per square foot.

  • Linoleum: Costing about $4 to $9 per square foot, depending on the type, linoleum is appreciated for its durability and eco-friendliness, lasting up to 20 years.

13. Carpet

While not as favoured in main living areas due to its tendency to trap allergens and dust, carpet remains a popular choice for bedrooms, providing warmth, comfort, and noise reduction. It's an affordable option that can enhance the cosiness of personal spaces.

Choosing the right flooring involves considering the room's use, potential foot traffic, and the overall style of your home. Consulting with a professional can ensure that your selections not only increase your home's value but also its livability and appeal.

Increasing Energy Efficiency

Increasing the energy efficiency of a home not only contributes to environmental sustainability but also significantly enhances its market value. 

Here are some impactful renovations and their benefits:

14. Attic Insulation: A fundamental yet often overlooked upgrade, adding attic insulation is a cost-effective method to boost home energy efficiency. With an average project cost of $1,268, homeowners can expect a resale value increase of $1,482, translating to a 116.9% ROI.

15. High-ROI Projects

  • HVAC Conversion: Replacing an oil or gas furnace with an electric heat pump has an impressive average cost recouped of 103.5%, with costs averaging $17,747 and adding $18,366 in resale value.

  • Solar Panels: Installing a 5-kilowatt solar panel system can add over $20,000 to a home's value, with even greater premiums in regions with higher electricity costs or more sunshine.

These upgrades not only contribute to lower utility bills and reduced maintenance expenses but also improve the overall quality of life for homeowners, making them a wise investment for those looking to increase their home's market value.

Our Conclusion & Final Thoughts

Through comprehensive exploration, this article has highlighted pivotal renovations that significantly amplify home value, intertwining aesthetic elegance with functional modernity. 

The focus on key areas such as minor bathroom upgrades, kitchen enhancements, curb appeal improvements, and the addition of vibrant outdoor living spaces, not to mention the critical aspect of energy efficiency, underlines the multifaceted approach to elevating property appeal. Each segment meticulously outlined underscores the undeniable value and appeal these upgrades bring, paving the way for homeowners to make informed decisions.

Reflecting on these insights offers a cohesive narrative on the importance of strategic renovation choices. The undeniable return on investment across various home improvements, from the warmth of hardwood flooring to the sustainability of solar panels, speaks volumes about the significance of aligning upgrades with contemporary living standards. 

As homeowners consider these renovations, the broader implications of such investments extend beyond mere property value, influencing quality of life and environmental sustainability. In embarking on this transformative journey, homeowners are not just enhancing spaces, but are also architecting the future of living spaces that resonate with elegance, functionality, and ecological consciousness.


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